Læs om virksomheder, løsninger, kompetencer og muligheder i den verdensførende danske vindindustri. Profilbrochuren giver en bred introduktion til branchen. Udgivet september 2014. Brochuren er på engelsk.

Denmark is the first country in the world to actively pursue a strategy to build an energy system that is independent of fossil fuels. Wind energy already accounts for more than one third of the total electricity consumption in Denmark. No other country has integrated this much wind into the grid. In the future, this renewable and cost-efficient resource will form the backbone of Denmark’s electricity supply.

The vision of the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA) is to make Denmark the home of the most competitive wind industry in the world. This will ensure the position of Denmark’s highly competitive, innovative and globally-oriented wind industry.

DWIA’s vision will help drive developments in the wind industry further, ensuring that Denmark develops the world’s best wind technology and smart energy system.